Rates & Services

Services Provided

  • Daily and multiple daily visits
  • Lots of TLC, exercise and playtime
  • Morning, mid-day and evening dog walks
  • Fresh food and water with pet dishes cleaned during each visit
  • Combing, brushing
  • Full litter box change and cleaning
  • Overnight care in your home
  • Lockout service/key delivery
  • Errands and pet food pickup
  • Updates sent during each visit with photos & videos by text or email
  • Medications Administered


Cat Sitting

Vis­its include: feed­ing and water­ing kit­ty, TLC, play time, scoop­ing lit­ter box­es, sweep­ing up around lit­ter box­es and any liq­uid or pill med­ica­tion needs (sor­ry, we don’t do injec­tions). Michelle will also leave a report about how kit­ty was while you were away. Email or text updates with pho­tos are also avail­able. Just let her know what you would like!

Michelle is also hap­py to bring in your mail or news­pa­pers, adjust blinds or light­ing and water indoor plants.

*Please note: It is our pol­i­cy that your cat is vis­it­ed a min­i­mum of once each day dur­ing the time that you are away. 

Cat Sitting Rates

For 1 cat and 1 visit (Michelle can also visit your kitty twice a day)

30 Minute Visit $34
60 Minute Visit $39
Additional Kitties $2 each
Holiday Fee View Holidays $8

Overnight Cat Sitting

A slum­ber par­ty with your kit­ty from 7PM to 9AM. All reg­u­lar cat sit­ting ser­vices are includ­ed in the overnight package.

Overnight Cat Sitting Rates

All Services are provided in your home

1 Night $85
Additional Kitties $5 each
Holiday Fee View Holidays $10

Litter Box Consultation

Michelle will meet with you to offer sug­ges­tions and best prac­tices for cat lit­ter, lit­ter box­es (style & size) and placement. 

Litter Box Consultation

All Services provided in your home.

Litter Box Consult $35

Small Animal Care

All ser­vices pro­vid­ed in your home.

Rabbits, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs & Birds

Includes cage cleaning, fresh food & water, playtime & love.

30 Minute Visit $34
60 Minute Visit $39
Holiday Fee View Holidays $8


Dog Walking

Dogs are walked indi­vid­u­al­ly or by house­hold only, and can be exer­cised at times to suit your schedule.

Michelle spe­cial­izes in dogs who love lots of one on one atten­tion, senior dogs, dogs with spe­cial needs or dogs who may not be enthu­si­as­tic about being around dogs they don’t know. Week­ends are not a prob­lem, and our rates stay the same. Michelle will give tons of love, play time, treats (if allowed) and will walk your dog up until 9:30 PM.

Michelle does not pack”walk dogs, exer­cise dogs off the leash or take dogs in her care to dog parks. 

Dog Walking Rates

For 1 dog per walk

30 Minute Walk $34
60 Minute Walk $39
Additional Dog(s) $5 each
Holiday Fee View Holidays $8

3 Visits a Day/Dog Sitting Package

The per­fect pack­age for dog­gies that are fine at night all on their own. Includes 3 one hour vis­its with 30 minute walks: morn­ing, after­noon and evening. Plus feed­ing, fresh water, med­ica­tions, play­time, and love!

3 Visits/Dog Sitting Rates

For 1 dog per day

1 Day $95
Additional Dog(s) $5 each
Holiday Fee View Holidays $10

Overnight Dog Sitting

Overnight hours are from 6PM to 9AM and include walks, food, water, lots of play­time, love, snug­gles, med­ica­tions (sor­ry, we do not do injec­tions) and an overnight stay at your home. (If after­noon walks are need­ed they are charged at the cur­rent half hour rate)

Michelle will send fre­quent live updates and pho­tos dur­ing the sit.
Just let her know what you would like! She is hap­py to bring in your mail, pack­ages and news­pa­pers, adjust blinds or light­ing, water indoor plants and take out garbage and recycling.

Overnight Dog Sitting Rates

For 1 dog per night

1 Night $95
Additional Dog(s) $5 each
Holiday Fee View Holidays $10

Pay your invoice from Michelle with Venmo

  1. In the Ven­mo mobile app, tap Search Peo­ple” in the navigation
  2. In the search field, type pet-city-sit­ters
  3. Make sure the icon, name, and user­name match what you see below
  4. Tap the Pay or Request” button
Venmo user icon

Michelle Anders


2025 Holiday Dates

  • There is an additional fee of $8 or $10 for each of the dates listed below:
  • President's Day February 15-17
  • Memorial Day May 25-27
  • Independence Day July 4-6
  • Labor Day August 31-September 2
  • Indigenous People's Day October 12-14
  • Thanksgiving November 27-December 3
  • Christmas December 24-29
  • New Year's Eve & Day Dec 31 & Jan 1