
pet city sitters is owned by Michelle Anders. She cares for each and every client.

Michelle grew up in Arling­ton, VA, and was lucky to be sur­round­ed by all types of ani­mals from an ear­ly age. It start­ed with Toot­sie the tor­toise in Montes­sori school. There were always a wide vari­ety ani­mals in her home grow­ing up includ­ing: Jasper the goat, Rasputin rat, count­less ger­bils, Char­lie the horse and many, many cats and dogs. Even T. Rex the horned toad!

Ani­mals are the one com­mon ground in our fam­i­ly. We all are pas­sion­ate about them and there isn’t one exception.” 

After attend­ing School Of The Muse­um Of Fine Arts & San Fran­cis­co Art Insti­tute Michelle worked in child­care and retail man­age­ment. After sev­er­al years of liv­ing abroad (Eng­land & Cana­da) Michelle and her kit­ties: Sun­ny & Kisa moved back to the Boston area where she opened pet city sit­ters in July of 2010.

Michelle has com­plet­ed thou­sands of pet sit­ting assign­ments includ­ing trav­el to Cape Cod, Lon­don, UK, New Hamp­shire and Ore­gon to care for her kit­ty and dog­gie clients.

Pet City Sit­ters is a licensed busi­ness in the city of Somerville, MA.

Michelle is bond­ed and insured, and has received cer­ti­fi­ca­tion from The Red Cross in pet first aid.


pet city sitters supports animal charities all over the world including: